Ghost Blogger

Imagine a world where 4 blogs magically appeared in your drafts every month. It’s possible when you hire a ghost blogger!

No time to

Who knew, when you started your business, just how much time you would be expected to spend on marketing? Between social media, your email list, and your actual work, you are busy

Unfortunately for your blog, it often gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list.

The problem with this is three-fold. First, you’re missing out on key opportunities to educate and enrich your target client. Second, an outdated blog might make your website appear like you’re no longer in business.

Most importantly, blogging is the absolute best thing you can do for your website’s SEO, or search engine optimization.

ghost blogging for busy business owners

Why does SEO Matter?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is how Google finds, scans, and ranks your website in search results.

Everyone aspires to be on page 1 of Google, right?

Without consistent blogging and overall SEO, you’ll be lucky to land on page 10. Blogging gives you the opportunity to rank for different keywords, depending on what topics you’re discussing. It also adds to the overall keyword and word count density of your site, which makes Google happy.

This is why hiring an SEO blogger is the next step for your growing business.

seo blogger for entrepreneurs and small businesses

What's a Ghost blogger?

A ghost blogger is someone who writes blogs for you to publish under your own name. An SEO blogger is a person who specializes in keyword research and implementation for your blogs and images to help your posts get ranked on Google.

Lucky for you, I’m a ghost blogger and an SEO blogger.

It all starts with an idea. Depending on the industry I’m writing about, that might be all I need (I’m a retired wedding photographer, so blogging for the wedding industry is my jam!). If it’s a topic I’m unfamiliar with, you can provide bullet points on what the blog should cover.

And that’s it. Before you know it, you’ll have one beautifully-crafted blog post, complete with images and SEO.

ghost blogger for coaches and creative businesses

Ready to free yourself from your blog?

Blogging packages start at $300 per month. My team can even add Pinterest and Tailwind to really boost your reach. Check out my current availability on my contact page